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What is Life Coaching?

Here, I explain a few areas of where Life Coaching is beneficial in everyone's life. I feel that its important that we understand Life Coaching and what it is all about?

Belief systems are formed when we emotionally attached ourselves to people, circumstances and experiences. Limiting beliefs can act as a distorting lens through which you view opportunities and challenges. Beliefs are actually fundamental assumptions that we make about ourselves, other people and about life.  Beliefs are deeply embedded into our subconscious and we hold onto them rightly. Sometimes so deeply ingrained, we consider them fact. 


Beliefs mask our reality 


Life Coaches tend to focus on, what is causing limiting beliefs, bringing them into the open and investigating them further. We tend to use powerful questioning and a more relaxed approach as to how to overcome any troubles the client has moving forward with their situation. 


Only 3/10 people are happy with their lives.  Life Coaching helps clients enjoy a vibrant sense of clarity and the wonderful awakening to new possibilities. 


If you want to make minor changes in your life, work on your behaviour. If you want significant, quantum breakthroughs, work on your paradigms!


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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