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About Mindful Living

Mindful living is all about presence awareness, appreciation, reflection and action. It is about taking moments throughout the day to be present with our environment and everything in it as well as being aware of our individual impact and acknowledging the ripples of every decision we make 

Being Happy

What does it take for someone to be happy?


Let me explain.

Being happy is another aspect we create for ourselves and by that, I have a few suggestions. We are conditioned to live a faster pace of life nowadays and cooking / creating a meal, is something of the past, however, creating a great meal for you to enjoy is somewhat pleasing, and the healthier, the better. Eating healthy and watching what we consume on a daily basis is pinnacle in creating the ''feel good from within'' factor. If you feel like your body is functioning well, your attitude towards life changes. Cook your own meals. I can help advise on this, if required.


Once you have devoured your healthy wholesome meal, I encourage light exercise such as, going out for a walk, despite the elements, and looking forward whilst you walk, being present, and looking at everything that passes around you will shift stagnant thought patterns that you may have been irritating you all day.


Listening to others and allowing them to talk, be present in conversation to distract your thoughts and focus on something different.


Be aware of the media content you are consuming, ask yourself if it is helping you think better, view things better, what is it doing to stimulate you, how is it affecting you? Keeping off social media more, I am aware is difficult, everyone spends a lot of time on a mobile phone / the internet but it is good to take a break.


Meditate, notice thought patterns that consume / bother you and make note of them and work through these strategically. Meditation does not have to take hours, it can be 10 - 15 mins.


Make a conscious effort to change bad habits (we all have them) is a healthy start too. Changing them slightly, every day, slowly makes you feel so much better. We all know our downfalls, it's taking the action to remove them that might seem impossible, but everything is possible.


Practise non attachment and learn your attachments to people and find ways of making them healthier.


Expressing gratitude daily is always a winner. Being thankful for everything you have is more important than you know!

Image by Antonia Kofod

the Pursuit to Happiness

There is nobody that can say that they have never been happy. We have all been blessed to experience this at some point in our lives. You can only know you are sad, if you have been happy, you can only know you are happy, if you have been sad. The problem is maintaining happiness. If we want to live happy, internally and externally, it determines on how well we manage our surroundings.


Life is management. The quality of the life we live, determines on how we manage it. Generally we tend to manage our lives around business management / the industry we work in, and forget that we have to manage ourselves too! It is unfortunate that the the dominating factor that rules this planet is economics. The other factors of life have been pushed aside, into a corner. All that you are doing in your life, is your pursuit to happiness. Learning, studying, working, creating a family, this is all something we do to create our happiness, but, sometimes, we are still not happy. This is due to bad management of ourselves. There is always a moment to be happy, in every day, but we tend to overlook this. By feeling like we have not achieved something when we expect, it creates anxiety. Sometimes we do not know where we are going and make each day a monotonous chore. Is this being happy? Is this maintaining happiness? We do a lot of hard work in maintaining a negative stagnant day to day living but when do we ever make time to put a positive spin on something? We tend to punish ourselves for this, causing depression, however, if that is all you know, how can you keep punishing yourself for that?


The answer is to change the patterns and adapt. If you are managing your day to day happiness, you will feel elevated, just by being in that head space. When you manage a situation within yourself, it is the most wonderful place to be in. If this is not how you feel? We have to work on your life management, until you feel wonderful! Life will never be 100% as to how we want it. This is the reality of life. There is a whole science of inner management. You may manage a business, or a work life, but if you do not work on your inner happiness, you will not live a life fulfilled. You are the power, you create your reality, and believe it or not. your abilities to achieve this are limitless! 

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